Reach: API Syntax

An API in a Reach back-end is a set of functions that are not bound to any participant. It means that unlike participant interfaces, where only the user with the right role can respond to the messages for a specific participant, API functions can be called by anyone.

To declare an API role, use API(name, interface) => API_Participant function

e.g. const Spectator = API('Spectator', { rate: Fun([UInt], Bool) })

Each function in the API interface is declared so that domain is provided by API and return value is the response of the contract. In this case by calling Spectator.rate, API will send an unsigned integer to the contract and receive a boolean.

There are two ways to call an API function:

  1. call() function
  2. .api() function in a fork statement


call( apiFn ) is a function to let Reach know that we're waiting for an API function call. Inside the function we provide the handle of function.

e.g. const [[inputFromAPI], setReturnValue] = call(Spectator.rate)

Return value from a call is a tuple where

  • The first element is the domain of the function, i.e. the arguments function is called with.
  • The second element is a setter function to respond to the API

In this case if Spectator.rate() is called with the value 5, result tuple would be [[5], setterFunction].

And setterFunction(true) would return true to the API.

By means of program steps, a call counts as a publishment and can be chained with these functions:

  • pay((<domain>) => <payment_amount>) makes the API pay the <payment_amount>
const [[rating], setResponse] = call(Spectator.rate)
  .pay((rating) => rating)
  • assume((<domain>) => <condition>) makes sure honest participants have the <condition> true.
const [[rating], setResponse] = call(Spectator.rate)
  .assume((rating) => rating < 10)
  • throwTimeout(<time>, <throw_expression>) throws an error with arguments of <throw_expression> if function in not called for <time>
try {
  const [[rating], setResponse] = call(Spectator.rate)
    .throwTimeout(1024, 0)
catch (e) { ... }

An example implementation of call would be:

// Alice is implemented before
Alice.only(() => { doFlip() });

const [[rating], setResponse] = call(Spectator.rate)
  .assume((rating) => rating < 10);



.api() can be appended to any fork statement to declare a case for API call. The syntax is

fork() // or parallelReduce(INIT_EXPR)


  • API_EXPR is the API participant function,
  • API_ASSUME_EXPR is a function that takes the call domain and returns a condition boolean, which honest participants must comply. IS OPTIONAL
  • API_PAY_EXPR is a function that takes the call domain and returns a payment amount for caller to pay. IS OPTIONAL
  • API_CONSENSUS_EXPR is a function that takes the call domain and setter function, which then makes consensus transfers.

An example implementation would be:

// PRICE_PER_RATING declared somewhere before

const totalScore = parallelReduce( 0 ) 
  ((rating) => { assume(rating < 10) }),
  ((rating) => rating * PRICE_PER_RATING)
  ((rating, setResponse) => {
     return totalScore + rating;

Front-end Interaction

API functions are stored inside contract.apis or contracts.a where each API participant are stored as a field.

contracts.apis.Spectator would return { rate: <async_function> }

const stdlib = loadStdlib(process.env);

const startingBalance = stdlib.parseCurrency(100);
const [deployer] = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);

const contract = deployer.contract(backend);

try { 
 const res = await contract.apis.Spectator.rate(5);
catch (e) {
 console.error("Error while calling Spectator.rate");